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Exercise week!

It’s supposed to be Winter but not too cold and beautiful weather these days. So children enjoyed playing outside!
We had an exercise week last week, and even we were inside, they moved their body and had lots of fun together.
First, they tried to walk on a long balancing beam, and moved to the balancing board. We thought the board might be too hard for them to stand on it, but children were not afraid to stand but they enjoyed as if they were surfing. Also, their eyes lit up and enjoyed when a teacher raised a tambourine and they jumped and tapped it. Some of them children got a higher to tap the tambourine, and some of them had lower position. Teacher changed the level of the height depending on their skills.
Besides balancing and body coordination, children learned following rules and takes turn. Many of them had a trouble working in a group. So little by little, we can help them to go with a group to make them adapt to society.
Today, individuality is valued, but since people often join groups, we would like them to acquire the skills to be able to fit into a group without losing their uniqueness.



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