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LaLaLand療育スクール アトリエGift戸塚 Littleのブログ一覧

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電話で聞く場合はこちら 050-3623-2766

Last week's activity!

It’s already one month left till end of this year!
We used disposal paper plates and PET bottle caps to make a TOP! It was super simple handmade toy but most of children enjoyed making and playing with it. We provided stickers instead of drawing for decoration, and they have more time to play because the activity was not only making but playing and interacting with others. Children are very creative so that they could create the rule by themselves to play with it. Some of them played like a battle, but some of them played like UFO (they spin it upside down and threw in an air). They taught us a new way to play.
We saw many kids laughed and played happily through this activity. This activity helps them to develop their fine motor skill too. We saw many children have lack of body coordination and fine motor (finger muscle) skills these days. That is because we are getting used to use a technology to make or buy new stuff from a shop instead of making it. We are thinking that we help them to improve their skills through play and activities.
Next week we are going to have a cooking activity. Many of them in our place have own food preferences. Let’s see they can enjoy the food they make.



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