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LaLaLand療育スクール アトリエGift戸塚 Littleのブログ一覧

近隣駅: 戸塚駅、踊場駅 / 〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町2779 舟田ビル2階
電話で聞く場合はこちら 050-3623-2766

Music activity♪♪

Last week, we had a music activity, Eurhythmics. Many of children were excited when they heard Piano. They moved their bodies to the Piano music. Walking, baby walk (crawl), animal walk (four-legged walking), hopping, and so on. Especially they loved moving like a dragonfly. They spread their arms out to the sides and moved to the music as if they were flying. We are not sure that they recognized the movement was dragonfly, and they might think it was airplane. Anyway, they loved the movement and fly very fast, but when the music stopped, they froze and posed. Everyone did great. But also not all children love to participate this activity. Some children were very shy to dance with other children. When they got shy and they knew what they were expected, they smiled and hid behind of a desk.
We provided Eurhythmics activity because it helps to improve their musical sense, such as their sense of rhythm and pitch. Also, it helps physical ability and expressiveness improves through exercise too. Some children were shy and refused to dance but oneday hope they can enjoy expressing themselves.



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