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近隣駅: 戸塚駅、踊場駅 / 〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町2779 舟田ビル2階
電話で聞く場合はこちら 050-3623-2766

Mobile craft

We made a cloud and rain theme mobile last week. Some of the children drew a face on the cloud, and many of them enjoyed blurred picture using markers. After drawing on paper by markers, they traced them with a wet paintbrush. Then, they could see beautiful pale color where the ink has smudged. These were like clouds illuminated by the setting sun or rain clouds! For the mobile decorations, we provided some paper shaped like raindrops, frog, umbrella, rain boots, and Teru-Teru-Bouzu. The children put these papers on strings to decorate. We expected the children to simply stick the patterns onto each piece of thread, but many of them combined the stencils to create a single piece of work. The most interesting work was a frog’s face girl holding an umbrella in a Teru-Teru-Bouzu dress with rainboots. We just gave him the patterns like the others, but we were amazed at his imagination in putting them together to create a beautiful work. Of course, we could see more interesting works from others too, and we were always impressed by their creativity and never get bored to be with them.



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