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LaLaLand療育スクール アトリエGift戸塚 Littleのブログ一覧

近隣駅: 戸塚駅、踊場駅 / 〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町2779 舟田ビル2階
電話で聞く場合はこちら 050-3623-2766

Sports game

Most of the children had sports festivals at their school, and we also held a small sports game at our class.
They played mainly two games, which were 'caterpillar Carton box race' and 'ball toss'. The race was super simple, but we enjoyed playing and alos fun to see. First, a teacher used two carton boxes to make them together to be one big circular. The child to play goes into the circular box and craw to move forward. The looks were exactly like a caterpillar and so cute. They were confused about how to play at first, but once they understood their speed to move went faster and faster. The second time was faster than the first, and the third time was faster than the second. One child surprised us with his speed. He was quite shy and quiet child, but once he understood how to play, he beat other children with his speed at the game. We were surprised but also happy to see that he showed himself in that game. Of course, some children expressed dissatisfaction at not being first. Some cried, some screamed, and some went hiding. It was also important for us to know how they express their anger and displeasure. Then we can advise them how to control their emotions.
The ball toss game was also fun. One of the children played to be a box and ran. And other children toss balls into the box. It was like a tag game. All children smiled and played excitingly.



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