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LaLaLand療育スクール アトリエGift戸塚 Littleのブログ一覧

近隣駅: 戸塚駅、踊場駅 / 〒244-0003 神奈川県横浜市戸塚区戸塚町2779 舟田ビル2階
電話で聞く場合はこちら 050-3623-2766

Valentine's activity

We had a Valentine’s activity last week. Children made a Pizza shaped Valentine’s card. Most of them love Pizza, so they enjoyed this activity. One of them kept saying “Pizza” all day long even while he was making it. They sat at the desk and paste the piece of the pizza ingredients on the base. What a quiet and calm time while they were making it. Staff made an example and some of the children copied what the staff made. But older children tried to make original one. They made a face, numbers, symmetrical design, and others. It was so interesting to see how they made it.
Of course, it was a card, so some of the older children wrote a message to their mom (most of children made a card for their mom) too. “I love you, Mom. Thank you always.” Very heartful message they wrote. No staff member asked them what to write. It means they loved their moms (Sorry Dads…) and they always appreciated what mom did to them too.
Childhood is not so long compared to adulthood. Children enjoy and love spending time with their parents, but that time may not be long as we expect. Therefore, we adults may also need to cherish every moment we spend with our children.



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