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Sensory acitivity week

Last week, we had a sensory activity. It was so much fun to do that. Of course, not all children love to do the activity for touching and feeling. But many of them enjoyed the feel once they touch the things.
For sensory activity, we provided DIY playdough (using flour), laundry-starch slime, Potato starch slime, Jelly, and Vermicelli (noodle). Playdough is the most familiar sensory activity to them because they knew from their preschool, and they enjoyed exchanging own playdough and mixing different colors. Sometimes they just making a ball, but some of them enjoyed making shapes such as a pizza. When it came to Potato starch slime, children were roughly divided into two groups: those who liked it and those who didn’t. The children who didn’t like it didn’t want to even come to closer. But on the other hand, the children who liked it, they kept touching and enjoyed the feel. If they refused to touch, we let them to use spoons to touch in stead of touching by hands. Even the slime but different ingredients we used, one slime were loved to touch, and the others were refused to touch. That was very interesting to see. We guess it must be important to them to have seen something before, and they may have been wary of things they had not seen before. Anyway, most of the children enjoyed mixing colors because we put some colors for all sensory activities. So visual approach may be important for any activities.



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