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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!
It’s already 2024, the new year is started. We opened 2022, so this is 3rd years for us. The number of children in our school getting more, and we could hear more cheerful voice every day. Every day is a day of new discovery and learning. We learn and laugh together in this year too!
Last week and end of the year 2023, we played with hand-made playdough and made “Ema” as art and craft activity. Ema are wooden plaques that people write their prayers or wishes on, and that is one of Japanese tradition. But most of the children didn’t know what the “Ema was. We didn’t ask them to make a nice one, but we let them to enjoy doing Origami and writing their wishing on the Ema. Only 4 pieces of decoration we provided, but they put various way to decorate the Ema. Also, another activity, playdough was one of fun activities we did. We mixed with flour, water, and oil together. They enjoyed the texture of the dough and loved to shape it. Even we finished this activity, they wanted to do it again during free play time.
From this week, most of the children went back to school again. Some of the children were excited to see friends, and some of the children were nervous. That change is small for us, but it must be a big change for them, we think. We are trying to give them comfortable environment and hope they can feel relax while their stay.



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